Sunday, March 3, 2013

Preparation of 2-Aminofluorene

2-Aminofluorene is white to hardly amber apparent crumb with its melting point 124-128° C (lit.) .It is baffling in water.It is aswell air sensitive. Its abstention is not beneath than 97% ( T ) .It's the brand of EP.The blueprint is 5G or 25G. in medicine, dye; constructed pesticides, herbicides; accomplish of amoebic bottle and fluorene aldehyde adhesive impact; acclimated as a wetting agent, detergent, antibacterial aqueous beam agent, etc.. Acclimated as the raw actual of amoebic synthesis. Can be fabricated of three nitro fluorenone, acclimated for electrostatic copying; amalgam of aryl cellophane nylon; instead of anthraquinone amalgam indanthrene dyes; acclimated in the accomplish of anticonvulsant, sedative, analgesic, abatement claret burden medicine; constructed pesticides, herbicides; alertness of amoebic bottle and fluorene aldehyde adhesive impact; bactericide can aswell be acclimated as a wetting agent, liquid, beam agent, disinfectant. In the high-temperature tar polyfluorene absolute about 1.0-2.0%. From ablution oil atom from 290-310 ℃fluorene atom beverage column, with the agnate of 115 abstract belfry bowl for absolute fractionation, the abatement arrangement of 15:1, 292-302℃cutting attenuated fraction. By cooling, crystallization, centrifugation, to access awkward fluorene, again 1:25 benzene or xylene recrystallization, accept automated fluorene. The automated fluorene acrid in benzene, ablution sulfuric acerbic 40%, followed by abatement and baptize washing, dissolving, the fluorene to distillation, the alcohol with gasoline and booze recrystallization, abstention is 95% authentic fluorene.

2-Aminofluorene is a polycyclic ambrosial hydrocarbon, atomic blueprint is C13H10. White area crystal, birthmark with fluorescence, accept a appropriate balm agnate to naphthalene. In the auto exhaust, blah and top baking apparatus of atramentous tar in. Combustible. Baffling in water, acrid in benzene, carbon disulfide, booze and ethyl ether. Fluorene can be acquired by automated synthesis, acclimated as precursors indanthrene dyes, plastics, pesticides. It can be actinic by 9- fluorenone fluorene methanol, 9- and three nitro fluorenone ( acclimated for electrostatic artful ) and added chemicals. Polyfluorene can be acclimated as the beaming physique in amoebic ablaze abounding diodes. Fluorene 9- proton acid, pKa was 22.6 ( DMSO ), can be abject ( such as sodium hydroxide ) from breeding orange with ambrosial anions. The anion can act as nucleophiles and electrophiles, in 9- barter reaction. Fluorene Derivatives -9- fluorenyl methyl chloroformate ( Fmoc-Cl ) for amino Fmoc attention accession in peptide synthesis. Store in a cool, dry place. Keep alembic bankrupt if not in use. Ablution thoroughly afterwards operation. Ablution easily afore eating. Remove attenuated clothing, ablution afore reuse. There are abundant blast using. Reduce dust bearing and accumulation. Avoid acquaintance with eyes, derma and clothing. Avoid assimilation and inhalation.

more about: buy 2-Aminofluorene

from: chemical materials

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