Test Principle of Homocysteine ELISA kit
The Kit is a solidoid sandwich assay enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A known concentration of standard, unknown concentration of sample by adding micro-ELISA-plate for testing. First incubated it, and biotin-marked antibodies at the same time. After washing, adding the avidin HRP-marked. After another incubation and washing to remove uncombined enzyme combo, and then adding substrate A, B, and enzyme combo acted simultaneously. Produce color. The depth of color and the concentration of samples was proportional relationship.
The presence of elevated total homocyst(e)ine levels in plasma or serum has been connected to the increased risk of thrombosis, neural tube defects and atherosclerotic vascular disease. With the steadily growing demand for testing, laboratories require fast, reliable determinations that are cost-effective to process. Bio-Rad supplies two kits for homocyst(e)ine analysis: Homocyst(e)ine by HPLC and Homocyst(e)ine by EIA. Bio-Rad's expertise in both HPLC and immunoassay technology assures you of quality results and efficient workflow.
Advantages of Homocysteine ELISA kit
Highly specific enzymatic sample pretreatment
Convenient microplate format
Standardized immunoassay procedure
Parallel sample processing
Wide dynamic range
Excellent correlation with reference HPLC method
More about: Homocysteine ELISA kit sale
Read more: Elisa kits
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