Sunday, May 12, 2013

9-Cyanoanthracene nature

The 9-Cyanoanthracene of achromatic air-conditioned crystals; blue-violet fluorescence; melting point of 216 ° C, the baking point of 340 ° C, the about body of 1.283 (25/4 ° C); simple sublimation; baffling in water, baffling in booze and ether, acrid in hot benzene. Anthracene atom 9,10 college actinic action generated application nitric oxide, 9,10 - anthraquinone (see anthraquinone Structure), is an important average for amalgam of anthraquinone dyes acclimated as a ablaze abounding actual (such as a blaze adverse IN), in accurate for the blanket (e.g., for arresting ultraviolet light). For the accomplish of an anthraquinone dye. Is aswell acclimated as an insecticide, fungicide, gasoline attrition agglomeration agent. Pure non-toxic. Industrial articles absolute phenanthrene, carbazole and added impurities, toxicity added significantly. Due to the low breath burden of this product, assimilation contagion is unlikely. On the derma and close film irritant; simple to could could cause photosensitive dermatitis. Migration in the ambiance of several beginning affidavit biodegradability of polycyclic ambrosial hydrocarbons (PAHs). Low atomic weight polycyclic ambrosial hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as naphthalene, acenaphthene, acenaphthylene in the beginning abstraction can bound degrade. The antecedent absorption of 5 to 10 mg / L of aqueous aural 7 canicule of added than 90% of the polycyclic ambrosial (PAHs) are biodegradable. Top atomic weight polycyclic ambrosial hydrocarbons (PAHs) fluoranthene, benzo (a) anthracene, pike, benzo (a) pyrene and anthracene hard-biodegradable. Case of fire, burnable top fever. It can acknowledge with oxidants. There is a able irritant; anesthesia axial afraid system. Eye and top respiratory amplitude accept a aesthetic effect. Assimilation of top concentrations, the ablaze bliss or a faculty of suffocation, followed by depression, beef weakness, vomiting; astringent cases, accident of consciousness, incontinence, analeptic spasm, bead in claret pressure. Coverage can be deadly. Long-term assimilation of dizziness, headache, insomnia, ataxia, and gastrointestinal action disorders. Liver and branch accident can occur. Can could could cause dermatitis.

9-Cyanoanthracene leaked accelerated abandonment from air arising cadre to a safe area, and abreast and austere restrictions on access. Cut off the blaze source. Recommended emergency cadre cutting self-Pressurized respirators to abrasion careful clothing. As far as possible, cut off the antecedent of leakage. Anticipate breeze to sewers, flood acquittal arroyo so akin space. A baby leak: sand, dry adhesive or soda ash mixed. Can aswell bathe with affluence of water, adulterated Add Baptize Wastewater System. Large leak: to body a causeway or trenching asylum. With the alteration pump to tankers or absolute collector, recycling or alien to the decay auctioning sites. Firefighters accept to abrasion clarify respirators (full cover), or abandoned respirators, cutting blaze careful clothing, blaze in the wind. As abundant as accessible to move containers from the arena abandoned Department. Baptize aerosol to accumulate the blaze containers air-conditioned until the end of fire. At the arena of containers, if any, change from the burden abatement assurance accessories accept choir accept to abandon immediately. Closed operation, bounded bankrupt ventilation. The abettor accept to go through specialized training, austere adherence to rules. Proposed operators abrasion arrogance clarify respirators (half-mask), cutting actinic careful assurance glasses, anti-static clothing, cutting elastic gloves. Away from fire, heat, abode non-smoking. Use explosion-proof blast systems and equipment. Anticipate breath arising into the abode air. Abstain acquaintance with acerbic agents, acids. Filling should ascendancy the breeze rate, and a accomplishments accessory to anticipate the accession of changeless electricity. Handling of ablaze if ablaze auctioning to anticipate accident to packaging and containers. Equipped with the adapted array and abundance of blaze accessories and emergency accessories leakage. Abandoned containers may be adverse residues. Store in a cool, aerial warehouse. Away from blaze and heat. Storage temperature should not beat 30 ℃. With oxidants, acids, aliment chemicals stored alone and abstain bond reservoir.

more about: buy 9-Cyanoanthracene

from: chemical materials

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