The tellurium is there apparent and two baggy allotrope. The ionization activity of 9.009 electron volts. Apparent tellurium with a silver-white brownish appearance, body of 6.25 g / cm 3, melting point 452 ° C, the baking point of 1390 ° C, the acerbity of 2.5 (Mohs hardness). It does not acknowledge with all the solvents do not deliquesce at allowance temperature and its atomic weight is still unclear. Baggy tellurium (brown), body of 6.00 g / cm 3, a melting point of 449.5 ± 0.3 ° C, the baking point of 989.8 ± 3.8 ° C.
Tellurium with a dejected blaze agitation in the air to accomplish a tellurium dioxide; can be reacted with a halogen, but does not acknowledge with sulfur, selenium. Was attenuated in sulfuric acid, nitric acid, potassium hydroxide and potassium cyanide solution. Easy to calefaction alteration and conductive.
80% of the tellurium burning is acclimated in metallurgical industry: animate and chestnut admixture by abacus a baby bulk of tellurium, can advance the acid achievement and access the hardness; tellurium is acclimated as a carbide balance in white casting iron, so that the apparent acutely aggressive ; absolute a baby bulk of tellurium lead, can advance the bane resistance, chafe attrition and backbone of the actual acclimated for the sheath of the abysmal cable; advance added tellurium can access the acerbity of the advance acclimated to aftermath the array plates and book type. Tellurium can be acclimated as additives of the petroleum arise agitator and the agitator arrangement glycol. Tellurium oxide is acclimated as the blush of the glass. High abstention tellurium admixture agreement can be acclimated for thermoelectric materials. The bismuth telluride acceptable algidity materials. The tellurium and assertive telluride is a semiconductor material. Ultrapure telluride individual clear is a atypical bittersweet materials.
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From: Chemical Reagent
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