Doublecortin (DCX) is a microtubule-associated protein bidding by neuronal forerunner beef and adolescent neurons in beginning and developed cortical structures. Neuronal forerunner beef activate to accurate DCX while actively dividing, and their neuronal babe beef abide to accurate DCX for 2–3 weeks as the beef complete into neurons. Downregulation of DCX begins afterwards 2 weeks, and occurs at the aforementioned time that these beef activate to express, NeuN, a brand for complete neurons.
Due to the about absolute announcement of DCX in developing neurons, this protein has been acclimated more as a brand for neurogenesis. Indeed, the levels of DCX announcement access in acknowledgment to exercise, which occurs in alongside with added BrdU labelling, currently a "gold standard" in barometer neurogenesis.
Doublecortin was begin to bind to the microtubule cytoskeleton. In vivo and in vitro assays appearance that Doublecortin stabilises microtubules and causes bundling. Doublecortin is a basal protein with an iso-electric point of 10, archetypal of microtubule-binding proteins. However, its arrangement contains no accepted microtubule-binding domain(s).
Doublecortin is mutated in bodies in the affection X-linked Lissencephaly and bifold cortex, X-linked lissencephaly agency that the ache aftermath a bland academician because of abridgement of clearing of adolescent neurons, after the accustomed folds of the academician surface. In the case of bifold case the ache is characterized by aberrant clearing during development that after-effects in two bands of confused neurons in the subcortical white amount that accomplish two cortex, giving the name to the syndrome, clinically patients with X-linked lissencephaly, the majority of times are males with a alteration in the their X chromosome. In the case of bifold case the majority of the patients are females with a alteration in one of the X-chromosome, they presents awkward seizures and brainy retardation. The severity of the ache can be adumbrated by a gene dosage effect, acceptation that in the case of males, with alone one X chromosome, there is no protein, about in the case of females with two X chromosome, the alteration in one X chromosome can somehow be compensated, about not abundant anatomic protein is produced in the bifold case patients. The alteration was apparent by Joseph Gleeson and Gene Hunter Christopher A. Walsh in Boston.
More about: Anti-DCX(Doublecortin) sale
Read more: Reagent Product
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