Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Anti--HCMV PP65/HHV5 PP65 for Sale

Cytomegalovirus is a herpes viral genus of the Herpesviruses group: in humans it is commonly known as HCMV or Human Herpesvirus 5 (HHV-5).CMV belongs to the Betaherpesvirinae subfamily of Herpesviridae, which also includes Roseolovirus.
 HCMV is also the virus most frequently transmitted to a developing fetus. HCMV infection is more widespread in developing countries and in communities with lower socioeconomic status and represents the most significant viral cause of birth defects in industrialized countries. CMV "seems to have a large impact on immune parameters in later life and may contribute to increased morbidity and eventual mortality.

Read more: Elisa assay kits

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