Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is Mumps IgA ELISA kit?

Intended Use
Mumps IgA ELISA kit has been designed for the the detection and thequantitative determination of specific IgA antibodies against Mumps virus inserum and plasma. Further applications in other body fluids are possible andcan be requested from the Technical Service. This assay is intended forin-vitro diagnostic use only. Laboratory results can never be the only baseof a medical report. The patient history and further tests have additionallyto be taken into account.
General Information of Mumps IgA ELISA kit
Mumps(Parotitis) is a common contagious disease with relatively moderate symptomsduring childhood, but increasing complications, when adults are infected. Thecausative agent of mumps is a virus of the Paramyxoviridae family. The virusnormally infects children at the age of 4 to 10. The infection is mainlytransmitted by the airborne route, but is also spread by various objectscontaminated by the patient saliva. The disease shows a seasonal prevalencewith the greatest incidence in winter and spring. Both a mumps infection orvaccination lead to a persistent immunity. The typical symptom associatedwith a mumps infection is a „parotitis“ (swelling of the parotid glands).Additionally pathological involvement of the CNS and various glandular organs(pancreas, thymus, thyroids) is a typical feature of mumps. A mumps inducedmeningitis is one of the most frequent manifestations of the disease whichcan also appear without parotitis. The published data about the presence ofmeningitis vary between 1.4% and 66% of the clinically ill patients. In most casesthere follows reconvalescence without complications. The recognition of Mumpsin the laboratory is mostly done by detection of the infectious agent itselfor by the determination of virus-specific antibodies. The serodiagnosis playsa major part. Besides the classical methods like complement fixation, hemagglutinationand neutralisation tests have been introduced a series of modern assays likeimmunofluorescence, radio immunoassay and enzyme immunoassay. The immunity ofan individual is monitored by an IgG ELISA. Increasing IgG titers are helpfulin the determination of the causative agent because cross reactions with Parainfluenza-Virustype 2 may lead to a wrong interpretation of the patient reports. In theearly stage of the disease, significant IgM titers may be monitored.
More about: Mumps IgA ELISA kit sale
Read more: Elisa assay kits

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