Collagen Type I (CI) is the most abundant protein and is found in the skin, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, cornea, invertebral discs and bone. It is encoded by the genes COL1A 1 and COL1A 2 and is formed inside (along the rough endoplasmic reticulum) and outside (by procollagen peptidase and bound by fibronectin and integrin) the cell. Individual collagen molecules are cross-linked to one another within these fibrils.Type I collagen is the just about abundant conformation of collagen fashionable the individual consistency and is synthesized mainly by fibroblasts, osteoblasts, odontoblasts and chondroblasts. It is located in the extracellular matrix of many tissues of the body including cartilage, bone, tendon, skin and the sclera of the eye. This kit makes up organised to quantify collagen in various sources such as cell media, ECM (Extra Cellular Matrix) of civilization cellular telephone and tissue because the kit detects atelo-collagen which is prepared by pepsin digestion. Sensitivity : 0.02ug/ml, Range: 0.02-40ug/ml.
Type I collagen is composed of two pro-α1(I) chains, produced from the COL1A 1 gene, and one pro-α2(I) chain, produced from the COL1A 2 gene. Mutations in the genes that produce collagen type I are responsible for causing several health preconditions including Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteoporosis and Caffey disease. The formation of cross-links results in very strong type I collagen fibrils, which are discovered successful the spaces around cells.
Collagen Type I is involved in many human diseases such as fibrosis, osteoporosis, cancer and atherosclerosis.
Read more>> Elisa assay kits
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