SAP-1 is a member of the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) family. The family comprises at least 37 proteins, characterized by a catalytic phosphatase domain of approximately 240 amino acids, and includes both transmembrane and cytosolic enzymes. The PTPs have high substrate specificity for phosphotyrosyl proteins, at the primary sequence level sharing little similarity with the protein serine phosphatases, protein threonine phosphatases, or the acid and alkaline phosphatases.
SAP1 is a negative regulator of integrin-mediated signalling and has been implicated in carcinogenesis in many cancer types including gastro-intestinal and heptocellular cancers.
SAP-1 is a transmembrane protein and its gene is expressed primarily in brain and liver, and at a lower level in heart and stomach. It is also expressed in several cancer cell lines, but not in the corresponding normal tissues.
More about: Anti-SAP-1/FRG4(Synapse associated protein- I) sale
Read more: Elisa kits
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