Description: Enzyme immunoassay for the detection of human IgG antibodies against Poliomyelitis Virus in serum and plasma.
Introduction: Poliomyelitis IgG ELISA kit is an infection caused by enterovirus, which occurs epidemically world-wide, and which often leads to paralysis and death. Three types of human-pathogenic poliomyelitis viruses are actually known:
Polioviruses mainly proliferate in the lymph nodes of the intestine, and are excreted via feces. The throat can also be infected, and the viruses then leave the body orally. After the infection, the viruses are distributed via monocytes into other lymph nodes, where they multiplicate. In a second viremic phase they settle in the whole organism, amongst others in the central nervous system. In more than 90% of the infections the patient does not suffer any subjective symptoms. In the remaining other cases there appear: unspecific illness with slight fever, head and throat irritations, diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting. Very rarely the classical paralysis with affliction of muscles and cerebral nerves is seen. The reconvalescent phase can last up to two years, frequently there stay long-lasting damages.
Intended Use: The Polio IgG Antibody ELISA Test Kit has been designed for the detection of IgG class antibodies against Polio in serum and plasma.
More about: Buy Poliomyelitis IgG ELISA kit
Read more: Elisa kits
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